Austin Psychoanalytic

A Chapter of the American Psychological Association, Division 39 Bylaws

Article I – Name and Objectives

A. The name of this organization shall be Austin Psychoanalytic (AP) comprising the geographic region of the greater Austin and Central Texas area.

B. The AP’s objectives and operations shall be consonant with those of Division 39 and the Code of Ethics of the American Psychological Association.

  1. Scientific Objectives: AP seeks to support the systematic development of psychoanalytic theory as a comprehensive model for human behavior and psychotherapeutic intervention.
  2. Professional Objectives: AP seeks to strengthen and broaden the professional practice of psychoanalytic psychotherapy and psychoanalysis among mental health professionals in the Austin and Central Texas areas by effecting the following:
    • a. establishing high professional standards for eligibility for membership and for practice;
    • b. offering education and training designed to strengthen and broaden the understanding and practice of analytically informed psychotherapy and psychoanalysis;
    • c. developing channels for public service;
    • d. developing high visibility for AP and its activities among the mental health community and the general public.

Article II – Membership

A. There shall be two categories of membership, namely Full Members and Student Members. The requirements for each category are as follows:

  1. Full Members – Full Members – Full Members are mental health professionals with a master’s degree or above (e.g. licensed professional counselors, psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, or social workers) who have demonstrated an interest in psychoanalysis as evidenced by the pursuit of educational, research, and/or professional activities. They must be licensed and certified, provisionally licensed, license-eligible (e.g. psychologists in their post-doctoral, pre-licensure supervisory period), or employed by an exempt agency. Membership in AP does not imply competence in psychoanalysis or psychotherapy. Full members shall have voting privileges and may hold office.
  2. Student Members – Student members are graduate students in psychology or related fields who are currently enrolled in an accredited graduate program. Student members shall not have voting privileges and may not hold office.

B. Termination of membership. Any member shall automatically be dropped from membership for either of the following:

  1. Failure to retain any one or more of the membership requirements.
  2. Failure to pay dues for one consecutive year.

Article III – Officers

A. The officers of AP shall include the President, the President Elect, the Past President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, Education Chair Elect, Education Chair, and the Members at-large. The officers shall take office on September 1st of any given year.

  1. The President shall be elected for a three-year term and shall assume the roles of President Elect, President, and Past President in succeeding order.  The President shall occupy each successive office of presidency for a term of one year beginning as President Elect and ending as Past President.  It shall be the President’s  function as the chief executive officer of AP to chair meetings of the membership and of the Executive Committee, to appoint committee chairs, to implement such actions as may be decided upon by the members of AP and the Executive Committee, and to exercise supervision over the affairs of AP. The President must be a Full Member and possess the following qualifications: (1) five years of post-graduate clinical experience and (2) three years of demonstrated interest and activity in psychoanalytically-informed theory and practice. In assessing the latter, the following features and activities will be considered: Supervision of cases by a psychoanalytically-informed clinician; post-degree training in psychoanalytically-informed theory and practice, by means of course work, readings, etc.; a personal analysis.
  2. The President Elect shall serve for a one-year term prior to assuming the Presidency.  The President Elect shall serve in place of the President in the event of the latter’s unavailability, shall serve otherwise as a regular member of the Executive Committee, and shall discharge those duties which may be assigned, as the occasion demands, by the President and/or the Executive Committee. Nominees for the Office of President Elect must be Full Members with the qualifications and experience outlined above for the office of President.
  3. The Past President shall serve for a one-year term following his/her/their service as President.  The Past President shall serve in the place of the President in the event that the President Elect is unavailable. He/she/they shall serve as a regular member of the Executive Committee and discharge those duties which may be assigned, as the occasion demands, by the President and/or the Executive Committee.
  4. The Secretary shall be elected for a two-year term with duties, beyond serving as a regular member of the Executive Committee, which shall include the recording and maintenance of the minutes of all business meetings of the Membership, the Executive Committee, and such other duties as may be assigned by the President and/or the Executive Committee.
  5. The Treasurer shall be elected for a two-year term with duties, beyond serving as a regular member of the Executive Committee, which shall include responsibility for the fiscal affairs of AP, the maintenance of all of its financial records, and such other duties as may be assigned by the President and/or the Executive Committee.
  6. The Education Chair shall be the previous year’s Education Chair Elect and will serve for one year. The Education Chair shall (1) serve as a regular member of the Executive Committee; (2) serve as Chair of the Education Committee; and (3) undertake such other duties as may be assigned, as the occasion demands, by the President and/or the Executive Committee.
  7. The Education Chair Elect shall be appointed by the Executive Committee to serve for one year before assuming the role of Education Chair.  The Education Chair shall (1) serve as a regular member of the Executive Committee; (2) serve in place of the Education Chair in the event the Education Chair is unavailable; and (3) undertake such other duties as may be assigned, as the occasion demands, by the President and/or the Executive Committee.  Nominees for the Office of Education Chair Elect must be Full Members with the following qualifications: (1) five years of post-graduate clinical experience and (2) three years of demonstrated interest and activity in psychoanalytically-informed theory and practice. In assessing the latter, the Nominating Committee shall consider, without limitation, the following: Supervision of cases by a psychoanalytically-informed clinician; post-degree training in psychoanalytically-informed theory and practice, by means of course work, readings, etc.; a personal analysis.
  8. Five Members-at-Large shall be elected to two-year terms with duties which shall include serving as members of the Executive Committee, leading committees, and participating in special projects. 
  9. Elections shall be staggered so that the positions of Secretary and two Members-at-Large are to be elected in one year, and the position of Treasurer and three Members-at-Large are to be elected in the following year.


Article IV – Operative Structure of the Society

The permanent operative bodies of AP shall consist of the Executive Committee, the standing committees, and a Nominating Committee. Nothing in the terms of office shall prevent members from the executive committee from being re-elected or reappointed for service.

A. The Executive Committee is the policy making body of AP. It shall consist of the President, the President Elect, the Past President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Education Chair, the Education Chair Elect, and five Members-at-Large. The Executive Committee shall meet no less than twice each year and at such times as the President may decide. Beyond its legislative functions, it shall determine all dues, assessments, and fees related to all aspects of the functioning of AP and any of its subdivisions, and it shall act as final arbiter and have right of review in all issues of membership status. The Executive Committee is empowered to appoint officers or to replace those who cannot fulfill the remainder of their terms. The Executive Committee shall establish its own rules of procedure and shall be deemed to have a quorum if chaired by the President or his/her/their designee and attended by four elected members. A member of the Executive Committee who fails to attend three consecutive scheduled meetings of the Committee shall be considered to have resigned unless reinstated by a majority vote of the Executive Committee. The standing committees consist of the Administrative, Marketing, and Education committees.  The Nominating Committee will be assembled ad hoc once per year.

B. The Administrative Committee shall consist of members appointed annually by the President. Its duty shall be to address administrative issues, prepare an annual budget, and plan AP activities.

C. The Marketing Committee Chair shall be appointed annually by the President.  The Marketing Committee shall promote AP activities and membership among all mental health disciplines in the Austin and Central Texas area. 

D. The Education Committee shall be headed by the Education Chair.  The Education Committee shall be responsible for selecting whatever educational structure, curriculum, and programs seem appropriate to and consistent with the goals of AP and for developing and implementing the means for their realization.  All program content will be subject to the approval of a majority vote of the Executive Committee.  At least one member of the Education Committee must include a psychologist.

E.  The Nominating Committee shall be assembled once per year in order to administer annual nomination and election procedures.  It will be comprised of a Chairperson and members of the Executive Board appointed by the President and subject to approval by the Executive Committee.

Article V – Elections

The election of officers of AP shall be conducted annually and shall be concluded before June 1 of any given year.  By April 1 of each year, the Nominating Committee shall develop a slate of diverse nominees, consisting of two or more nominees per position when they are willing to serve. 

At least by May 1 of each year, the Nominating Committee shall transmit a ballot to each member of AP who is eligible to vote. The members shall have thirty days from the date of the transmission to return the ballots. Election results shall be tabulated by the Nominating Committee and announced to the Membership no later than at the first subsequent general meeting of AP. Newly elected officers shall be installed on July 1 following the election.

Article VI – Division 39 Representative

The Division 39 Representative shall be appointed by the President for a term of two years. He/she/they shall serve as the AP’s representative to Division 39 of the American Psychological Association. The Division 39 Representative must be a member of Division 39 and must have previously served on, or currently be a member of, the Executive Committee.

Article VII – Procedure for Amending these Bylaws

Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by the Executive Committee or by petition of ten percent of all members of AP who are eligible to vote. Voting on amendments shall be by electronic ballot and voters shall be given thirty days from the date of transmission to return their ballots. The Bylaws will be officially amended if two-thirds of the returned ballot favor a proposed amendment.

Article VIII – Procedure for Dissolution of the Society

If, by majority rules, AP is dissolved, any moneys remaining following payment of any and all financial obligations will be donated to Division 39 of the American Psychological Association.



Bylaws History:

1. The original Bylaws were adopted in March 1988 when the ASPP was founded

2. Article III was amended August 1992 to permit election of two Associate Representatives rather than one.

3. November 1993: The ASPP membership votes to accept this Bylaws revision.

4. February 1999: The Bylaws were amended to change membership categories and procedures for selection of nominees of the offices of President Elect and President, and the ASPP membership voted to adopt those Bylaws amendments.

5. March 2000: The amendments to permit election of the Educational and Training Committee Chairperson and the Division 39 Representative were approved by the membership.

6. June 2009: Changed the Bylaws to reflect current Board functioning, namely replacing the Interdisciplinary Representatives with Members-at-Large and adding Program and Newsletter Committees as well as minor changes to guarantee Board diversity and clarify termination of membership.

7. June 2012: The bylaws were amended in order to improve consistency with Division 39 bylaws with regard to the circumstances under which ASPP can terminate an individual’s membership. The changes to the bylaws were approved by the membership.